Old Doxoblogy

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Ask Me A Question!

Just so you know...I'm an idiot. But I'll still let you ask me a question or two.
Over the weekend feel free to e-mail or leave your question in the comments section of this post.

A few rules are in order;
1. Questions about Christianity only.
2. Only questions that you really want to know the answer to.
3. No leading questions.
4. I'll select the questions I want to answer.
5. I don't know if Adam had a bellybutton. He was created witht the appearance of age so he may have had a bellybutton.
6. Cain married one of his sisters.
7. The Sons of God in Genesis 6 are the descendants of Seth and the daughters of men are the descendants of Cain.
8. If I don't know the answer, I'll say something like, "I don't know the answer."
9. If you don't like the answer, feel free to disagree, however, see rules 2 and 3.


David said...

How do you interpret 1Peter 3:21?

Jeremy Weaver said...

Answer forthcoming!

Rose~ said...

Here is a question:
When are you going to write a post entitled:
"Christ's Death As Our Liberation From Sin And The Degree To Which We Have Been Liberated"?

Neil said...

What is the significance of the Zerubabbelian Covenant in the Book of Zechariah?

John R. said...

What's your answer to "eis" in Acts 2:38?

Jeremy Weaver said...

I would interpret it in a similar way that it is used in Matthew 12:41, where the men of Nineveh are said to have repented "AT" the preaching of Jonah, or in response to the preaching of Jonah.
Peter calls for them to repent, and then be baptized in response to the remission of sins that is promised (a promise that carries with it the weight of the name of Jesus) to those who repent.

Jeremy Weaver said...

I don't know right off-hand. I can tell you that we should read Zechariah as both predictive and preparatory of the work Christ would accomplish.
To be honest, I haven't studied the post-exilic prophets that much.

pilgrim said...

Are you sure about # 7?
I'm not.
Your answer could be correct though.

Just saying that.
I know some people make a big deal over it for all sorts of wacky reasons.

So who is your favorite minor prophet & why?

Neil said...

Rats. It just seemed so surprising to me to see all these post-exilic promises to and about Z and about Joshua the high priest of the day.

I agree that #7 answer is questionable. It's pretty well unknowable I think.

Jeremy Weaver said...

What's up with you guys? #7 is knowable. I know it is knowable because I know it. That's why I wrote it!

pilgrim said...

Now you sound like a politican!

So seriously--who is your favorite minor prophet & why?

Jeremy Weaver said...

I like the books of Habakkuk and Zephaniah.
My favorite is probaly Habakkuk.

Jeremy Weaver said...

And Why?

Because it is so applicable to our post 9/11 world. Habakkuk dealt with many of the same questions that we deal with.

Why do bad things happen?
Why is there sin in the world?
Why does God use the 'unjust' to punish the 'just'?
How can we live in a world like this?

Of course, the answer to the last question is, "The just will live by his faith."

pilgrim said...

Good answers--I think I'd pick Zechariah for his particular brand of Messianic references.

But we can learn form all of them.

Now give me an outline of Habbakkuk.

(Sorry-I'm back at Presbytery--well not the last one--but a previous one--where a candidate for ordination is being examined)

pilgrim said...

Wow--you did it.

Tony Kummer said...

I'm a little late but I think you are the right guy to answer. My son keeps asking me where Darth Sidious came from. Who was his teacher? Thanks

Jeremy Weaver said...

I don't remember. In Episode III, right after Anakin is assigned to spy on him, there is a dialogue between the two about a certain Sith Lord who taught 'a student' (referring to himself) the secrets of the darkside. He later says that the 'student' (again, referring to himself) of this teacher killed him.

Steve Weaver said...


The information for which you seek here is:

Darth Sidious

May the force be with you,


P.S. Welcome back to the blogosphere!