Old Doxoblogy

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Evangelical Jargon (Huh?)

Here's an old one,

"Let go, and let God."

What's that all about?


C.T. Lillies said...

I've heard that one about a jillion times. God can't work unless you "Let Him". It sounds like a Baptist perversion of providence from here in the cheap seats.

"...the word of God is not bound."
--2 Timothy 2:9

KS said...


It's like this, my daughter has my remote, says no and holding it tightly, I say let go. God says to me to trust Him in this situation, Let God.

Garry Weaver said...

Here's what it means, Jeremy. God is such a gentleman that He never violates our will. He wishes that he could help us out in our difficulties. He wishes that he could be involved in our lives but, alas and alack, we just won't let him. So he waits, poor old fella, with hat in hand and a wistful look in his eye. He is sitting on 'ready', though, just in case we decide to "let go and let god".

I'm surprised that a theologian such as yourself didn't already know that.

BTW You'll notice that I only capitalized god and his personal pronouns when necessary gramatically, because the god in that scenario is not the God of the Bible.

C.T. Lillies said...

OK, that one got a belly laugh.

"...the word of God is not bound."
--2 Timothy 2:9

David said...

I always thought it was supposed to be shorthand for "And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you."

I've always translated it as, "I don't know why or what to do, but thinking about it makes my head hurt, so rather than examining myself and my circumstances to discern what God might be teaching me, I'm going to go watch TV now."

Anonymous said...

I was going to give my opinion, but I think Thirsty nailed it.

Anonymous said...

You know (and I am by no means an authority) I always thought that originated in the pietistic movement of Lutheran Churches. Where the method of sanctification was more of a let God do it all.