Old Doxoblogy

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Introduction: In these verses Paul tells the Galatians that since they have been liberated, they must persevere in their liberty through obedience of the truth of their freedom in Christ and loving service to one another.

I. Stand In Liberty Verses 1-6
A. Do Not Be Entangled With Bondage verse 1
B. If You Accept Bondage verses 2-4
1. Christ is of no advantage verse 2
2. Debtors to the whole law verse 3
3. Turning from grace verse 4
C. Righteousness Is By Faith verses 5-6
1. Through the Spirit verse 5
2. Faith works through love
verse 6
II. Run In Obedience Verses 7-12
A. Don't Be Hindered verses 7-9
B. Who Will Bear The Judgment? verse 10
C. Living Consistent With The Truth verses 11-12
1. Illustration: Paul's Preaching verse 11
2. Circumcision or castration? verse 12
III. Serve In Love Verses 13-15
A. Liberty Is Not License verse 13
B. The Fulfillment Of The Law verse 14
1. Christ is the fulfillment through justification (completion)
2. Love is the fulfillment through sanctification (compliancy, not constraint)
C. Warnings Against The Unloving verse 15
Conclusion: Stand fast in the freedom that Christ has bought you. Don't let anyone deceive you and submit you to the law for righteousness. Be obedient to the truth of the Gospel of grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. Live a life consistent with these. Not like Peter who submitted himself to the law and in the process caused others to fall. But like Paul who embraced the shame of persecution in order to preserve our liberty in Christ. Fulfill the law, not by constraint, but by your love one for another.

1 comment:

Steve Weaver said...

Yipee! You're back!